Dishydrotic Eczema Palmar Has Anyone Ever Had Dishydrotic (Pompholyx) Eczema?

Has anyone ever had Dishydrotic (Pompholyx) Eczema? - dishydrotic eczema palmar

There is an outbreak of fluid filled with tiny air bubbles that form on the palms and fingers ... is extremely itchy and uncomfortable. I had been looking for this for a long time and has been for centuries in the network of support, but apparently the cause is still unknown, and there is still no cure. We landed on the moon, and have ventured into space, but we can not cure a disease of the skin??

Has anyone ever been to? If so, they managed to get rid of it somehow adjust? If you get rid of him, how you doing? "

The following are some photos of her, if you're not sure what it is. ...

Thank you!


itchybub... said...

I had this form of eczema, and the last 10 years. I do not know what it before I started, was searching the Internet.

My last attack was only a week ago. They have begun to appear in the palm of his right hand, then the finger, then my left hand. You are disgusting, and turn pike.

My husband thought I bought a flat warts and spray of nitrogen - that does not work. Even thought it was warts, I looked around the Internet, and someone suggested tea tree oil. I've tried and it works. I know it works because we have used the tea tree oil in his right hand. I applied tea tree oil yesterday and put a bandage on (have to change, the dressing is often used because the oil in the band losing its stickinESS) and the bumps have almost completely disappeared today. You can buy tea tree oil at your local pharmacy. I hope it works for you, because the bumps can occur quite intricate and infectious diseases to those who do not know what they are.

Bandit07 said...

Yes, I have the same skin condition, but never knew what it was. Just get on your hands. I've got blisters on the skin, itching and burning. Then go over time and I'll stay with peeling skin. I have many different types of lotion, but most often seems to worsen the condition. I went to the doctor and he told me he was allergic to my own sweat and there was no cure.
It can be very annoying.

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