Movies Japan Torture On Line A Question About Violence In Video Games?

A Question about Violence in Video Games? - movies japan torture on line

So, I read a lot about violence in video games today, and what I've heard that the game Manhunt 2 is getting more violent, and they also called ADHD or some what in Japan, where a lake, rape and torture people and things go ..
And I only have a PS3 yesterday, and Im thinking about the BioShock and violence in video games has never bothered, I played Mortal Kombat for a life without problems, I have seen all the movies and I saw the film Hostel in the first place, and I played Resident Evil 4, but nao I see things like the brutality of the Manhunt2 ... its kinda happen to me, since I no problem with the blood and violence, and the GTA games and Mortal Kombat and all that .. But the ship was a little worried, I'm getting a little bit about BioShock, because it can be disturbing or somewhat worried
My eyes are really opened their doors today
And I am aware of instant messaging and violence in all its forms and how the form
Nao, but my sense of "Dam ... It's very violent / disturbing / Fcked up
And I have a feeling or create BioShockFeeling for me
If anyone can be to other games BioShock for me in comparison?
Remember, I liked Resident Evil 4 and want to know all the MK games, Bioshock only, which is wrong, turned his violence comes to me ..


__A_YAHO... said...

Bioshock is pretty twisted. But that is only part of the game, in particular, seemed terrible. Bioshock is a bizarre sense of concern, not because of excessive violence. Kill the atmosphere and the people you have, (they are all crazy), but nothing too crazy.

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