Aging Whitetail Deer Can Someone Please Age This Deer For Me?

Can someone please age this deer for me? - aging whitetail deer

This is about a deer and the approximate age for him. Thank you for your help.

Photo 1). Http: / /
Photo 2). Http: / /


Anonymous said...

Assuming this is real and not .... Opinion photochopped ears and horns, width of the ear ...... Rack and a large width and height curves. These are not the norm for a young deer. All points on 4.5yrs ...... with good genes no pun intended ...... A higher resolution would be preferable.

Dwight Guy said...

You can not say for sure, but I would bet that 2 is 1 / 2 from 3 years. 3 1 / 2 to 4 cups. In no way is a 1 1/2- 2 years.

Ranger J said...

3 1 / 2

Qbnsizzl... said...

His body and the face of a young man, but has a solid frame. I would say about 3-4 years.

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