ARE THERE ANY REAL PAYDAY LOAN COMPANIES on line, NOT A REFERRAL SITE ? - a loan site for katar i needa loan

I know all the pros and cons relating to payday loans, but in my research I come across reference sites not acutal loan companies. These sites offer everything but what I'm looking for - a loan. If anyone knows a site I would greatly appreciate genuine loan management.


Steve said...

Hello Sheila.

As the old adage:
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day
Teaching a person to fish and you feed him for life. "

Before placing a link to a real lender list, I will try some tips to help you protect your current donors and to avoid reference sites give (s) in many cases, spammers and / or identity theft.

Of course, I can * not * recommend payday loans. It seems they have done their homework and are already aware of the danger, so do not try to dissuade you. In addition, I am sure you are aware of cheaper alternatives such as credit unions, so do not waste your time with him.

Avoid fake websites payday loans:

Note: "false" I mean the reference sites, spam, identity theft and other sites which are not actual lenders or not actually loans.

* Avoid sites that send commercial e-mail (spam).

* Avoid places to advertise in the forums (comment spam).

* Avoid sites, advertising on pay-per-click ads (Results of the search engines are generally reliable).

* Avoid sites that do not show an APR (annual percentage rate) table. This is confirmed by the law of truth in lending and websites, which information is not required in April, probably rogue sites.

* Avoid sites that have) not a list price (usually $ 100 or multiples thereof. If the site you will be asked to provide information before they give you a price, cause!

* Lender that is not full contact information and details (including physical address and phone number for free) do-list to avoid. Phone to ask questions. If you run an answering machine during office hours!

* Be sure to use the site SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for data transfer (the address begins with https instead of http).

* Check the WHOIS information, and a resistor verification IP. When information is hidden from the WHOIS or site is operated on a shared IP address, then it is probably a reference site, not an actual lender.

* Avoid sites that are not in accordance with the provisions of their state of the approvedHistory of the Agency for payday loans.

These tips are based on the following article is based (for more detail) goes ...

List of the payday loans - Ten things you should do before applying for a payday loan online:
http://www.online-payday-loans.org/artic ...

Now we need out of the way, lets look at a real lender list. The site is the source of information about a table to compare payday lenders that the "actual lender lists" and places to avoid ...

Comparative table of the payday lenders:
http://www.online-payday-loans.org/compa ...
(To avoid addition to the list of lenders and real above table that compares prices and fees, maximum loan amount and loan terms. Ensure that those terms with the lender Real website - information table may be outdated.)

To check whether a site loan registration and IP address ...

WHOIS service Reverse IP:

To check whether a lender licensed in your state ...

National regulationAgencies Payday Loans:
http://www.online-payday-loans.org/links ...

Again, I do not know * recommended payday loans or any of the donors listed in the table for comparison. Please avoid, if possible.

As you know, conducting financial transactions online, many risks. If you respect take a payday loan, please book a "brick and mortar" store payday loan is legally permitted in your country.

Good luck, Sheila. I hope you find the information you need.

eauclair... said...

Check my profile. It is a community of lenders that offer on your loan.

anonymou... said...

I have a lot of payday loan companies.

Here are a few:

fast cash personal loans.com

I have them in the order they are ranked from highest to lowest.

idgaf said...


not recommended, but you know the advantages and disadvantages, so it's your choice! But I say, they are all thieves!

www.cashcall.com loan more money if it is not payday loan ...

Good luck ... =)

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